Let's get Circular!
The projects of Triple Benefit have one thing in common: we only bring what you need to make your project a success, with dedicated expertise. With a sound project management approach, you can just choose your needs, whether it is building your business, setting up custom and affordable solutions or implementing them including dedicated training. We bring it to you, custom made.
MIX plastics
Plastics that are most problematic can almost be for free! We help you valorise this material into costly products.
Suitable concepts
Every customer deserves the best solution. That is why we end up with diverse technologies, like continuous extrusion, intrusion, hot pressing, cold pressing, rotational moulding, to name a few. All proven in practice at the lowest investment.
Over 1 billion bunch bags are used annually to grow bananas. Let us help you to build even more recycling factories than we already did! And if you like, replace it with biodegradable plastics.
Moulds are a recurrent and substantial cost item in your factory. We have several attractive cheap mould solutions, including mould free CNC routing. Ideal for small scale plastics recycling.
Multi Layer Plastics are a headache to most recyclers, but not for us! If you cannot beat them, just adopt them.
Check out the desktop kits for plastics recycling!
Good training is essential for success. We offer different modules, a.o. Fundamentals of polymers, Fundamentals of recycling, Advanced polymer properties, Machine operation & HSE, and Business case & valorisation.
We love benefits. Check out what impact can be made with your project!
Involve the needy in local society. By developing your recycling site, jobs are created and people educated.
For every kg recycled plastics, emissions are reduced by up to 3 kg CO2. Not enough? Make a PV panel roof!
Every kg of recycled plastics avoids the use of 2 kg oil. Instead, it potentially can replace (hard)wood applications.
By removing foils from nature, you reduce suffocation and entanglement of wildlife and reduce microplastics.
You determine which products to make. What about houses, sanitary slabs or school chairs?
Remain attractive for tourism and keep fishery healthy by reducing litter.
Some recent publications can be found here:
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Our mission is to get you circular in a competitive way.
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